Ann B. McCombs DO, DABHM, DNM
We Can Save Lives NOW from CoVID-19
I am a traditionally-trained osteopathic and naturopathic physician (DO, DNM) who is also board certified in Holistic Medicine and a co-founder of the American Board of Holistic Medicine. The goals of our 25,000+ board-certified MD and DO members is, first and foremost, to be true to our Hippocratic oath of “do no harm.” Our 2nd goal is to treat the medical problem and not just the symptoms of any illness. As a result, we do all we can in the healing process before resorting to the use of pharmaceutical medications and/or surgery. Treating CoVID-19 is no exception, and THE MOST VIABLE HOLISTIC TREATMENT OPTION CURRENTLY AVAILABLE for this pandemic can be on the front lines within 24 hours!
As a physician in general practice in Bellevue WA and Prescott AZ, Dr. McCombs had successful careers in both teaching and marriage/family counseling before pursuing her first love: holistic medicine.
Dr. McCombs served as a member of the Board of Trustees of the American Holistic Medical Association for 10 years (1991-2001). She also served on the Board of Directors for Dr. Devi Nambudripad’s Allergy Research Foundation and Carbon Based Corporation (a company specializing in multi-variate analysis of biochemical tests). She is one of the five co-founders (and the only female!) of the American Board of Holistic Medicine and served on the Test Committee (1995-2003) and founding Board of Directors (2000-2003). In addition, she is also a co-founder and the Medical Director of the Center for Optimal Health in Bellevue WA (1992-present) and Sierra Vista/Prescott AZ (2017-present).
Dr. McCombs holds Post-graduate Certifications in Integrative Pain Management, Neural Therapy and Holistic Medicine, Chelation Therapy, Oxidative Medicine and Heavy Metal Toxicology. She was the first certified Neural Therapy Practitioner (including Neural Kinesiology) in the U.S. and is on the faculties of the American Academy of Neural Therapy, Neural Kinesiology and Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET). Hellinger work, Hendricks work, Reiki, EFT and Nutripuncture are among Dr. McCombs’ other therapeutic certifications, as well as NMT, TAT and Scenar/Tennant Biomodulator modalities.
As an educationally-based holistic medical practitioner, Dr. McCombs is actively engaged in clinical practice, teaching and mentoring. Her unique approach, utilizing Non-Protocol Diagnosis and Treatment, puts her on the cutting edge of those physicians who assist clients on a daily basis to achieve optimal health and healing.
Her professional goals are: to promote a model of holistic clinical practice that includes the physician-dentist team which can be duplicated both locally and nationally; to create and teach a Non-Protocol Medicine curriculum and, ultimately, to assist in founding holistic medical training at both the graduate and undergraduate levels which will include this approach. Sooner or later, she plans to write a book or two about these principles, as well as share her professional and personal experiences of her own unique journey towards optimal health while assisting her clients to do likewise. Not-for-profit status for her educational and research interests (Optimal Health Foundation, founded in 1998) was active until 2012.